Ordering online is simple.BioFLEX and Murano is easy to order

Add the item you want to order to your shopping basket.

If there are any product variations or options such as size or colour make sure you select the option otherwise a “default” item will be sent

If you are already registered you can login before adding to your cart or during the process.

When finished adding items to your basket proceed to the checkout.

By default payments can be made via PayPAL to ensure the quickest turn around of your order.

It should be noted that prices quoted do not include sales tax (GST/VAT/IVA etc) as these are dependant on your location. As we ship from a number of locations if the bulk of your order is outside your local tax juristiction then your transaction may be executed by a local operation where sales tax may not apply to you at point of transaction/payment.


  1. If you havent bought from the store before or are unregistered you will need to complete your contact and shipping details.
  2. Depending on your location and the size of the order shipping options will be presented to you.
  3. You will then be asked for any order comments or if you have a promotional or discount code.
  4. Next step is to advise us how you will be paying.
  5. Then to reconfirm the order before your payment is confirmed. this will be your last chance to add further items to your basket.
  6. Depending on your payment choice you will be asked to enter your Credit Card details. If Bank transfers, cheques or money orders etc where originally selected you will be passed to the last step. (Remember you need to confirm, by email, once the Bank Transfer has been initiated and generally payment is required within 48hrs and cheques must be clear before goods can be sent)
  7. Your order is now completed.


Once your order is complete you instantly have access to order tracking and the ability to print off your invoice.